Blonde [insert German accent here] supermodel [end German accent here] pretended he wasn't staring while I took this photo, but he was.
Video of the show can be seen on Anita's blog, and photos on Compendium Daily. More stuff on Philip Sparks' blog.
Then I dashed home to pack because I was heading to...can you guess where I was by looking at this t-shirt?
During my trip, I did some antique shopping where I got a really cool broche and some postcards (I collect postcards, and if you don't know, now you know).
Why didn't I buy this Ed Hardy edition composition book? Why???

By Sunday I was back in Toronto and on Tuesday, I went to newly opened Beit Zatoun for the first time to check out "Through Their Eyes: Art and Photography by Palestinian Youth" an exhibit presented by Project Hope (whose office is now located in Beit Zatoun on Markham and Bloor).
By Sunday I was back in Toronto and on Tuesday, I went to newly opened Beit Zatoun for the first time to check out "Through Their Eyes: Art and Photography by Palestinian Youth" an exhibit presented by Project Hope (whose office is now located in Beit Zatoun on Markham and Bloor).
The art featured is basically the work of students in Nablus who participated in three creative art courses put on by Project Hope.
- Graphic novels: collection of sequential art telling the individual stories of four Palestinian students - some biographical, some abstract
- Moments in Palestine: photographs taken in Palestine by Stephanie MacIntosh and Jeremy Wildeman
- Teenage Drop-outs: Photographs taken by 15-17 year olds who had dropped out of school. Their work was led by photojournalist Valerian Mazetaud.
- Bridge to the world: Blogs from the Bridge to the World program which runs English, French, Computer and Photography classes, teaching Palestinian youth to use social media as a vehicle of international communication. Some of their photos were also featured.
Wednesday I attended the Fall 2010 NADA collection. Instead of using a runway to showcase her clothing, Nada Shepherd chose the Scotiabank theatre screen as her canvas. This was the first time in fashion history that a designer chose to show her collection within a 3D film. On my way out, a girl sitting next to me asked me where I got my broche, I replied "Winterpeg" and she was like "oh cool, where is that?" I just gave away where I was. Anyway, you can check out the 3D film online at Nada 3D. The last few films I've seen happen to have been in 3D, but then I dashed to the Bloor Cinema for the Hot Docs Soup screening of Mai Iskander's "Garbage Dreams" which was not in 3D but I wore my glasses anyway. Kidding.
Garbage Dreams' execution is great, and the documentary tackles with a heartbreaking reality: the situation of the zaballeen in Egypt. I suggest you read this short review by FEN Mag and then once your done, check out the 6 questions spot they did with the director.
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