Massimo Vignelli occupies two spaces in my home, his famous Stendig Calendar fills one. I almost did not walk away with a 2009 edition if it wasn't for one store in Toronto that had one last copy which was being neglected due to bent edges. Ever heard of ironing? Got my hands on the 2010 before it was too late.

illustration: Noma Bar
Maison de la Presse Internationale has tons of magazines, except the one I'm looking for of course (Bidoun), but throughout my customs search of the racks, I found what looked to be the most famous Arab singer of all time Umm Khalthoum in contemporary form on the cover of a magazine called Brownbook. It's about entertainment and arts in the Middle-East, pretty cool.
Author-title: Randa Jarrar, A Map of Home
Status: complete+recommended
Comments: Arab authors residing in Western countries are not common, however, they have been in the past few years (women in particular) and Randa Jarrar is one of them. Her book A Map of Home, a story about a young girl's experience growing up in the Middle East and America, is humourous, honest, and well written.
Read Randa's interview on KabobFest
Read ei's book review
Author-title: Richard Poplak, The Sheikh's Batmobile
Status: In the process+don't know how I feel about it yet
Comments: This book discusses American popular culture in Muslim countries. Interesting two-year research, but I still can't seem to enjoy the writing style.
Author-title: Ben White, Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide
Status: I should finish Richard's book first and then get to this.
Comments: Ben just finished his Canadian book tour (include a stop at Ryerson University last week). He's also a really cool guy.
Speaking of Arab Americans, while doing some random research, I stumbled upon Marguerite Dabaie's work. Being a fan of illustrations, I surfed her site throughly, purchased her work and am now sharing it with you! She humourously illustrates memoirs of growing up Christian-Palestinian in America and her grandmother's cookbook.
Is that a younger Adrian Brody?
Oh, I write for blogTO now in the fashion section. Look out for my coverage of LG Fashion Week which starts tomorrow. I'll also have an article appearing in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs in a few weeks (thanks CamRon!), but that one isn't fashion related.
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