
Friday, 17 July 2009

Six months of Yuppie Activism

Sunday July 19th will mark the six month anniversary of the Yuppie Activist's inception. Six months of entertainment, of ideas, critiques, adventures, of hinting at my identity (oh if you know, you know) and so on. For those of you who weren't aware, this blog follows a pattern. The name in itself is an oxymoron, even the subtitle makes you wonder and therefore, I have made sure that posts follow this pattern most of the time, but if you weren't clever enough to get that, don't worry, it's not really obvious and what matters is you're still reading, even if you're leaving lame anonymous comments in an attempt to aggravate my opinionated self. For those of you who have been following since its debut, thanks. I'm happy to be receiving girl crush emails here and there and nice comments. Admirers are always good to stroke an already large ego, but seriously, if you take the time to write me, expect a response. For those of you who are new, bienvenue. You'll enjoy it here and if you don't laugh, check your sense of humour because there must be something seriously wrong with it.

Without further a due, to celebrate this six month "milestone" (in high school years), I've decided to put together a list of the posts with the most:
  1. My first post introduced you to the Yuppie Activist. You learn my eye colour, my education, my language skills, my sleeping habits and more.
  2. At various instances throughout this post, you learn I'm left wing, although I think the blog name gave that away. Here's how I plan to solve the Middle Eastern conflict for example.
  3. Furthermore, if you follow me on Twitter, you realize I'm always caught in the middle of public domestics (not domestic violence), so I created a tool that makes them even more public
  4. You've probably also noticed I like introducing you to talented people such as Stefania, Ashley, Daniela and Renata.
  5. Meeting these people makes the Yuppie wise behind her years, although she's 23, her mind is like 30, see here, here, and here.
  6. So wise in fact that I analyzed the entire immigration and university system to bring you this
  7. Wiseness comes in the form of resourceful amigos and good google search techniques. I took apart someone's attempt at presenting Barbie Ottawa neighbourhood edition
  8. Enough about being wise, because this is the most clever thing ever: The Simpsons. Since it's part of my life, I incorporated it into a post that teaches you how it can relate to yours
  9. The Yuppie, lover of truth and stereotypes, attempts to make you laugh all the time, however, some just can't appreciate it and hide behind a shield of anonymity when they hear the truth
  10. Yuppie is also a lover of finds, remember when I found the best resume? Okay created the best resume?
  11. Speaking of finding things, I found Finkelstein, Dershowitz and Chomsky's "Twitter feed"
  12. Finding and discovering...remember when I destroyed Toronto's shawarma?
  13. There's finding and creating, readers have followed my attempt at getting a coffee table book published, and this boy's making me famous
  14. On the topic of fame, I made this video viral, or so I like to believe
  15. Connoisseurship, in the form of music at LG Fashion Week
  16. The art of judging, taught by the Yuppie Activist
  17. Part time, I stalk, and I stalked my neighbours to get sweet photos for y'all
  18. Wrote a letter to Winter
  19. Use my friends' confessions as writing material as I revealed insights on women's sexual habits via text messages
  20. Conversed with models
  21. Showed you various ways you can play with Facebook (here, here, here, here and here)
  22. You know from reading this my favourite colour is not Lilac
  23. You also know how I ended up in Toronto
  24. Provided you with a look on my friendships, or just a look into how stupid a human can be
  25. I let you follow me through heartbreak, and through its reconstruction
  26. I showed you how to throw a really dope Hipster inspired Yard Sale
  27. And gave you the most honest look into how Middle-Eastern people like to do weddings.
Those are just some of my favourite posts, the archives are flooded with stuff you just might like, or not like. Whatever flows for you, okay? Keep reading, because I still plan to be here in another six months. Thank you for reading, thank you for participating, thank you for sharing this link.

Love love,

The Yuppie Activist


  1. happy half birthday, yuppy activist blog!

  2. Congrats on 6 months! I think I just actually went through all of those posts...blame it on the strike and your witty, smile-inducing writing! :)
